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Reguläres Ticket
calendar_monthCz. 06.03.2025

Koszt: 18,00 Euro Ilość:
0,00 Euro
Całkowity koszt:0 Artykuł0,00 Euro
Zaawansowane opłaty rezerwacyjne:
w tym wszystkie koszty obsługi
Suma cząstkowa:Wszystkie ceny zawierają podatek VAT.

It’s hard to pin down Faux Real. The Franco-American duo, comprised of brothers Elliott and Virgile Arndt, have been steadily broadening the scope of their project. Their high-octane DIY performances, involving matching cut-up boiler suits lined with fringe, barefoot dance routines, and crowd-splitting high-kicks, are taking on a more established and ever more unhinged form — think Iggy Pop meets campy Eurodance boyband. Faux Real act as a duo of alternative jesters infiltrating the pop space. Toeing the line between undeniable pop potential and an off-kilter flair lies at the core of everything they do. The contradictions between order and chaos, between the visceral and the artificial — that’s where Faux Real truly shines. That said, no one really knows what is real and what is faux, and that’s the magic of it all.

Wegbeschreibung FAUX REAL

  • location_on

    Bumann & SOHN

    Bartholomäus-Schink-Straße 2
    50825 Köln

  • calendar_month
    Cz. 06.03.2025
  • schedule
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Uwaga: ticket i/O GmbH nie jest sam organizatorem oferowanego wydarzenia. Organizatorem imprezy jest organizator, który jest jednocześnie emitentem biletów. ticket i/O GmbH jedynie pośredniczy w sprzedaży biletów w imieniu organizatora imprezy. Organizatorem jest Popanz Productions, Vogelsanger Str. 195a, 50825 Köln
Furthermore, ticket i/O GmbH arranges ticket insurance from AGS Pier GmbH.

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